American Football
Ice Hockey
Alpine skiing
Czech Republic vs. Denmark - Championship GameMen's European Championship 2021
SATURDAY 2021/06/26, 04:50 PM CET // FREESharks Bay (Ledenice 373 11, Czech Republic)
show entire list
Italy vs. Netherlands - FinalEuropean Baseball Championship 2019
SUNDAY 2019/09/15, 06:50 PM CET // FREEBonn Capitals Baseball (Bonn, Germany)
Finals DayFanCode ECS Italy, T10 Super Series 2021
SATURDAY 2021/11/06, 08:20 AM CET // FREEASD Roma Cricket club (Roma, Italy)
Finland vs. Czech Republic - Final game11th Men’s U19 World Floorball Championships
SUNDAY 2021/08/29, 03:50 PM CET // FREEMěstská hala VODOVA (Brno, Czech Republic)
SundayESF European Mixed Team U15&U17 Championships 2023
SUNDAY 2023/05/14, 09:00 AM CET // FREEHector sport centre (Praha 10, Czech Republic)
Czech Republic vs. Spain - FinalU20 Women's European Championship
SATURDAY 2022/07/16, 08:05 PM CET // FREENovomatic Arena Sopron (Sopron, Hungary)
RC Mountfield Říčany vs. RC Slavia PrahaXV Extraliga 2018
SUNDAY 2018/06/17, 02:45 PM CET // FREEStadion Josefa Kohouta (Říčany u Prahy, Czech Republic)
Czech Republic vs. FranceEuropean Championship 2019
SUNDAY 2019/10/13, 03:50 PM CET // FREEStadion v Jiráskově ulici (Jihlava, Česká Republika)
Czech League Final 2019Slam Poetry
SATURDAY 2019/12/07, 08:00 PM CET // FREEMeetFactory (Praha 5, Czech Republic)
Westcoast vs. HC Rytíři Kladno - 2004 - FinalCzech Hockey Challenge Cup
SATURDAY 2017/08/12, 04:30 PM CET // FREEIce Arena Letňany (Praha 9, Czech Republic)
Slalom Run 2World Para Alpine Skiing World Cup
THURSDAY 2019/03/21, 11:53 AM CET // FREEStade du Pleney (Morzine, France)
European Championships of Beach Ultimate
SATURDAY 2013/06/29, 09:55 AM CET / Calafell beach (Spain) /
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